Cognitive Development Laboratory
Yip, E. S.-K. #, & Wong, T. T.-Y. (Accepted). The relation between complement understanding and computational skills: A random intercept cross-lagged panel model. Development Psychology.
Impact factor =4.497; Q1 in Psychology, Developmental
Wong, T. T.-Y., & Morsanyi, K. (2022). The link between transitive reasoning and mathematics achievement in preadolescence: The role of relational processing and deductive reasoning. Thinking & Reasoning.
Impact factor =2.915; Q2 in Psychology, Experimental
Wong, T. T.-Y., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2021). Comorbidity between persistent reading and mathematics difficulties: The nature of comorbidity. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 117, 104049
Impact factor =3.000; Q1 in Education, Special
Ng, V. W.-S.#, Fong, C. Y.-C., & Wong, T. T.-Y. (2021). Contributions of Reading Comprehension Sub-Skills to Arithmetic Word-Problem Solving among Chinese Primary School Students. Journal of Cognition and Development, 22, 585-604.
Impact factor =2.580; Q3 in Psychology, Experimental
Wong, I. H. M.#, & Wong, T. T.-Y. (2021). Exploring the relationship between intellectual humility and academic performance among post-secondary students: The mediating roles of learning motivation and receptivity to feedback. Learning and Individual Differences.
Impact factor = 3.897; Q1 in Psychology, Educational
Wong, T. T.-Y., Leung, C. O.-Y.#, & Kwan, K.-T.# (2021). Multifaceted assessment of children’s inversion understanding. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 207, 105121.
Impact factor = 2.547; Q3 in Psychology, Developmental; Q3 in Psychology, Experimental
Wong, T. T.-Y (2021). Components of Mathematical Competence in Middle Childhood. Child Development Perspectives, 15, 18-23
Impact factor = 6.160, Q1 in Psychology, Developmental
May 2022
Invited talk titled "The three core competences in mathematics learning” by Department of Psychology, Leiden University, the Netherlands.
Apr 2022
Invited talk titled "The three core competences in mathematics learning” by Centre of Mathematical Cognition, Loughborough University, the United Kingdom
Feb 2022
Invited talk titled "The role of spatial ability in mathematical problem-solving” by Department of Psychology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wong, T. T.-Y. (Under revised review). Cognitive predictors of children’s arithmetic principle understanding. Manuscript submitted to Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Leung, C. O.-Y.#, & Wong, T. T.-Y. (Under revision). The relation between spatial ability and math: The mediating role of numerical magnitude, understanding of arithmetic operations and word problem representation. Manuscript to be submitted to Journal of Educational Psychology.
Wong, T. T.-Y. & Yip, E. S.-K.# (Under review). Where is the unknown? The ability to identify the unknown position from word problems longitudinally predicts mathematical problem-solving performance. Manuscript to be submitted to Contemporary Educational Psychology.
Yip, E. S.-K.#, Tong, C. K.-Y.#, & Wong, T. T.-Y. (Under review). Examining the unique contributions and developmental stability of individual forms of relational reasoning to mathematical problem solving. Manuscript submitted to Contemporary Educational Psychology.
Yip, E. S.-K.#, & Wong, T. T.-Y. (Accepted). The relation between complement understanding and computational skills: A random intercept cross-lagged panel model. Developmental Psychology. (Impact factor = 4.497; Q1 in Psychology, Developmental).
Wong, T. T.-Y., & Morsanyi, K. (2022). The link between transitive reasoning and mathematics achievement in preadolescence: The role of relational processing and deductive reasoning. Thinking & Reasoning. (Impact factor = 2.915; Q2 in Psychology, Experimental).
Wong, T. T.-Y., Leung, C. O.-Y.#, & Kwan, K.-T.# (2021). Multifaceted assessment of children’s inversion understanding. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 207, 105121. (Impact factor = 2.610; Q2 in Psychology, Developmental; Q2 in Psychology, Experimental).
Wong, T. T.-Y. (2021). Components of mathematical competence in middle childhood. Child Development Perspectives, 15, 18-23. (Impact factor = 6.221, Q1 in Psychology, Developmental).
Wong, I. H. M.#, & Wong, T. T.-Y. (2021). Exploring the relationship between intellectual humility and academic performance among post-secondary students: The mediating roles of learning motivation and receptivity to feedback. Learning and Individual Differences. (Impact factor = 3.139; Q2 in Psychology, Educational).
Ng, V. W.-S.#, Fong, C. Y.-C., & Wong, T. T.-Y. (2021). Contributions of Reading Comprehension Sub-Skills to Arithmetic Word-Problem Solving among Chinese Primary School Students. Journal of Cognition and Development, 22, 585-604. (Impact factor = 1.826; Q4 in Psychology, Developmental, Q4 in Psychology, Experimental).
Wong, T. T.-Y., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2021). Comorbidity between persistent reading and mathematics difficulties: The nature of comorbidity. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 117, 104049. (Impact factor = 3.230; Q1 in Education, Special)
Wong, T. T.-Y (2020). The growth rate of dot enumeration ability predict mathematics achievements: A 5-year longitudinal study. British Journal of Educational Psychology. (Impact factor = 5.028, Q1 in Developmental, Education)
Wong, T. T.-Y (2020). Components of Mathematical Competence in Middle Childhood. Child Development Perspectives. (Impact factor = 5.190, Q1 in Psychology, Developmental)
Yip, E. S. K.#, Wong, T. T.-Y.*, Cheung, S. H., & Chan, K. K. W. (2020). Do children with mathematics learning disability in Hong Kong perceive word problems differently? Learning and Instruction, 68, 101352. (Impact factor = 5.146, Q1 in Psychology, Educational).
Wong, T. T.-Y. (2020). Are the acuities of magnitude representations of different types and ranges of numbers related? Testing the core assumption of the integrated theory of numerical development. Cognitive Development, 54, 100888. (Impact factor = 2.978, Q2 in Psychology, Developmental; Q2 in Psychology, Experimental).
Wong, T. T.-Y. & Liu, D. (2020). The association between visual attention and mathematical competence: The mediating role of enumeration. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 196, 104864. (Impact factor = 2.610; Q2 in Psychology, Developmental; Q2 in Psychology, Experimental).
Liu, Y., & Wong, T. T.-Y.* (2020). Dot enumeration predicts mathematics achievement in a 5-year longitudinal study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 90, 604-617. (Impact factor = 3.241, Q1 in Psychology, Educational).
Chan, W. W.-L., & Wong, T. T.-Y.* (2020). Subtypes of Mathematical Difficulties and their Stability. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112, 649--666. (Impact factor = 5.805; Q1 in Psychology, Educational)
Chan, W. W.-L., & Wong, T. T.-Y.* (2019). Visuospatial pathways to mathematical achievement. Learning and Instruction, 62, 11-19. (Impact factor = 3.323, Q1 in Psychology, Educational; Q1 in Education & Educational Research).
Wong, T. T.-Y.*, & Chan, W. W.-L. (2019). Identifying children with persistent low math achievement: The role of number-magnitude mapping and symbolic numerical processing. Learning and Instruction, 60, 29-40. (Impact factor = 3.323, Q1 in Psychology, Educational; Q1 in Education & Educational Research).
Tam, Y. P., Wong, T. T.-Y., & Chan, W. W.-L. (2019). The relation between spatial skills and mathematical abilities: The mediating role of mental number line representation. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 56, 14-24. (Impact factor = 2.863, Q1 in Psychology, Educational).
Wong, T. T.-Y. (2019). The roles of place value understanding and ratio processing system on fraction and decimal magnitude representations. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 56, 14-24. (Impact factor = 2.506, Q2 in Psychology, Educational).
Wong, T. T.-Y. (2018). Is conditional reasoning related to mathematical problem solving? Developmental Science, 21, e12644. (Impact factor = 3.722, Q1 in Psychology, Developmental; Q1 in Psychology, Experimental).
Liu, Y., Sun, H., Lin, D., Li, H., Yeung, S.-S., & Wong, T.-Y. (2018). The unique role of executive function skills in predicting Hong Kong kindergarteners’ reading comprehension. British Journal of Educational Psychology. (Impact factor = 2.481, Q1 in Psychology, Educational).
Wong, T. T.-Y. (2017). The unique and shared contributions of arithmetic operation understanding and numerical magnitude representation to children’s mathematics achievement. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 164, 68-86. (Impact factor = 2.301, Q2 in Psychology, Developmental; Q2 in Psychology, Experimental).
Wong, T. T.-Y., Ho, C. S.-H. (2017). Component processes in arithmetic word problem solving and their correlates. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109, 520-531. (Impact factor = 5.028, Q1 in Psychology, Educational).
Wong, T. T.-Y., Ho, C. S.-H., & Tang, J. (2017). Defective number sense or impaired access? Differential impairment in different subgroups of children with mathematics difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50, 49-61. (Impact factor = 2.578, Q1 in Education, Special).
Wong, T. T.-Y., Ho, C. S.-H., & Tang, J. (2016). The relation between ANS and symbolic arithmetic skills: The mediating role of number-numerosity mappings. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 46, 208-217. (Impact factor = 2.484, Q1 in Psychology, Educational).
Chan, W. W. L., & Wong, T. T.-Y. (2016). The underlying number-space mapping among kindergarteners and its relation with early numerical abilities. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 148, 35-50. (Impact factor = 2.301, Q2 in Psychology, Developmental; Q2 in Psychology, Experimental).
Wong, T. T.-Y., Ho, C. S.-H., & Tang, J. (2016). Consistency of Response Patterns in Different Estimation Tasks. Journal of Cognition and Development, 17, 526-547. (Impact factor = 1.869, Q2 in Psychology, Developmental; Q3 in Psychology, Experimental).
Wong, T. T.-Y., Ho, C. S.-H., & Tang, J. (2014). Identification of children with mathematics learning disabilities (MLD) using latent class growth analysis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 2906-2920. (Impact factor = 1.836, Q1 in Education, Special).
McBride-Chang, C., Shu, H., Chan, W., Wong, T., Wong, A. M. -Y., Zhang, Y., Pan, J., & Chan, P. (2013). Poor readers of Chinese and English: Overlap, stability, and longitudinal correlates. Scientific Studies of Reading, 17, 57-70. (Impact factor = 2.910, Q1 in Psychology, Education; Q1 in Education & Educational Research).
Liu, P. D., McBride-Chang, C., Wong, T. T.-Y., Shu, H., & Wong, A. M.-Y. (2013). Morphological awareness in Chinese: unique associations of homophone awareness and lexical compounding to word reading and vocabulary knowledge in Chinese children. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34, 755-775. (Impact factor = 1.412, Q4 in Psychology, Experimental).
McBride-Chang, C., Liu, P. D., Wong, T., Wong, A., & Shu, H. (2012). Specific Reading Difficulties in Chinese, English, or Both: Longitudinal Markers of Phonological Awareness, Morphological Awareness, and RAN in Hong Kong Chinese Children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45, 503-514. (Impact factor = 2.578, Q1 in Education, Special).
Zhou, Y.-L., McBride-Chang, C., Fong, C. Y.-C., Wong, T. T.-Y., & Cheung, S.-K. (2012). A comparison of phonological awareness, lexical compounding, and homophone training for Chinese word reading in Hong Kong kindergarteners. Early Education and Development, 23, 475-492. (Impact factor = 1.504, Q3 in Education & Educational Research; Q3 in Psychology, Educational; Q3 in Psychology, Developmental).
McBride-Chang, C., Lam, F., Lam, C., Chan, B., Fong, C. Y.-C., Wong, T. T.-Y., & Wong, S. Y.-L. (2011). Early predictors of dyslexia in Chinese children: Familial history of dyslexia, language delay, and cognitive profiles. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52, 204-211. (Impact factor = 7.035, Q1 in Psychiatry; Q1 in Psychology, Developmental).
* indicates Corresponding author