Cognitive Development Laboratory

Tender FAQ
Is voice recognition a must for construct 5? Do you only need Cantonese voice recognition?
Answer: Voice recognition is recommended for construct 5. Please prioritise Cantonese voice recognition first. As mentioned in the tender briefing session, please allocate resources evenly across the different assessment tools. For tenderers that are able to incorporate voice recognition into construct 5, please state voice recognition as an optional item in the proposal and price schedule.
Will there be more questions for the test bank in the future?
Answer: Tenderers will be required to provide a solution for the stated requirements mentioned in the tender briefing session. The research team should be able to access the test bank and make modifications through a web portal if deemed necessary.
Timeline of the project? When should the product be completed?
Answer: Please refer to the tender document. The product should be completed by the end of November.
Number of expected users?
Answer: As mentioned in the tender briefing session, the target audience of the mobile app and project website will be P1-P3 students, educational psychologists, parents, and teachers. At this point in time, we cannot estimate the number of users. Infrastructure design should be capable of serving the diverse group stated above.
VM capacity and server costs?
Answer: Please state clearly in your technical proposal the VM/ server requirements for your proposed solution.
Can we separate the assessments and educational games into two separate apps?
Answer: Certainly. You can propose this in your technical proposal.
Do you have any guidelines for branding (e.g. color schemes etc.)
Answer: No specific guidelines. However, the product must contain the QEF logo. You are welcome to propose color schemes in your proposal.
Can we propose games that are not "fully academic", but more creative and gamified?
Answer: Yes for the educational games. This will not be necessary for the electronic assessments.
Can we edit or modify the content of the educational videos?
Answer: Yes. We will provide the original files. We can work out which software would be most optimal for both parties (e.g. premiere pro).
Do we need to provide the templates for all 12 educational games in the proposal?
Answer: It will be best if you can include a tentative template/design for the educational games, as game design is part of our evaluation criteria.
Do you need 7-year maintenance?
Answer: Yes.
Can you provide more details on the type of questions that will be included in the math exercises?
*Below please find an example of the questions